KNAW Event: Ethics & participatory research: inspiration and creative reflection on everyday ethical issue
Experiences with international ethics co-laboratory
by Marilena von Köppen (Germany)
This presentation will focus on the experience we had in exploring a specific ethical case in our ethics co-laboratory. Using various approaches, including online theatre, we put the case under the microscope. As the researcher who brought the case to the fore, I will explain how the elements of reflection helped me to reach a deeper understanding. In particular, I will focus on our process of deliberation and what lessons we can learn from it for future ethical case reflection.
Het KNAW Event ‘Ethics & participatory research: inspiration and creative reflection on everyday ethical issue’ is onderdeel van de Dutch ethics & Participatory Research Week 2025.
Het KNAW Event ‘Ethics & participatory research: inspiration and creative reflection on everyday ethical issue’ is onderdeel van de Dutch ethics & Participatory Research Week 2025.