KNAW Event: Ethics & participatory research: inspiration and creative reflection on everyday ethical issue
7 maart 10.00-15.00 uur
with amongst others Sarah Banks (UK), Michelle Brear (S-Africa), Pinky Shabangu (Eswatini), Pradeep Narayanan (India), Marilena (Germany), Mieke Cardol (NL) and Barbara Groot-Sluijsmans (NL)
Locatie: VU Amsterdam
We komen samen, met een Engelstalig programma, met betrokkenen in Nederland die geven om het onderwerp Ethiek en Participatief Onderzoek met international gasten van de International Ethics Co-Laboratory van de ICPHR. We gaan graag in gesprek, delen inzichten en gaan creatief experimenteren met werkvormen vanuit een casus.
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(maximaal 40 deelnemers)
- Opening, meet and greet and an outline of context, urgency, relevance by Barbara Groot-Sluijsmans
- Interactive keynotes by members of the International Ethics Co-laboratory
Doing community participation in “big” global health research partnerships- challenges and opportunities by Michelle Brear
Understanding Ethics from the Lens of Participatory Action Research Practitioners by Pradeep Narayanan
The ethics co-laboratory: practising slow ethics for participatory research by Sarah Banks
Experiences with international ethics co-laboratory by Marilena von Köppen
Understanding of ethics from a community co researcher's perspective by Pinky Nonhlanhala Shabangu
Understanding Ethics from the Lens of Participatory Action Research Practitioners by Pradeep Narayanan
The ethics co-laboratory: practising slow ethics for participatory research by Sarah Banks
Experiences with international ethics co-laboratory by Marilena von Köppen
Understanding of ethics from a community co researcher's perspective by Pinky Nonhlanhala Shabangu
Dit event is onderdeel van de Dutch ethics & Participatory Research Week 2025.
- A case introduction and explanation of creative reflection methods by Mieke Cardol and Barbara Groot-Sluijsmans
- Creative reflections such as participatory theatre, zine-making, dance, wondering and methaphores and creative writing by inspiring colleagues
- Collaborative reflection on the creative reflections and Ethics Co-laboratories
Dit event is onderdeel van de Dutch ethics & Participatory Research Week 2025.